MTESTQuattro | PC-Based Controller
MTESTQuattro® is an advanced materials testing system for servo-hydraulic and electromechanical testing machines. Its unique design consists of a PC-based application program and an easy-to-install external interface box which makes MTESTQuattro well suited for new and retrofit installations. It features a state-of-the-art digital controller for performing accurate and repeatable tests according to ASTM and ISO standards. MTESTQuattro is capable of performing all types of tests including tension, compression, creep, fatigue, friction, flexure, relaxation, peel, shear and tear tests.
Being a comprehensive program, users can easily create and recall ASTM compatible and user-definable test procedures and generate test reports that include a stress vs. strain curve and a summary of calculated mechanical properties. MTESTQuattro can also be configured to operate dual axis axial-torsion and planar biaxial testing machines. The fast acting controller, with its 8kHz servo update period, is more than capable of precisely controlling single and dual axis testers performing static and fatigue tests. With its flexible interface, MTESTQuattro is also a cost effective solution for retrofitting/upgrading older testing machines regardless of age or machine type.
MTESTQuattro’s base configuration consists of load, crosshead position, axial strain, transverse strain and auxiliary input channels with options for three additional auxiliary input channels and servo control. The input channels are compatible with all force measuring; contacting and non-contacting strain measuring devices which make it possible to measure key mechanical properties such as elastic modulus, yield strength, ultimate strength and elongation. To learn more download our brochure.